Monday, May 19, 2008

Thing # 15

To more powerful ways to cooperate

This was a very powerful article as far as the library reaching out to the world wide web for sharing topics or research articles that might be needed for other people or groups.It also creates an interest that people might not think of the library as far as sharing services or list cataloging. It's also cool to think that OCL might be integrated into a web site for research materials. Makes you really think of the world web out there.

To a temporary place in time...

I really like the last paragraph in this article : a knowledge spa.

In my years growing up with my local branch in Brooklyn & seeing what the library is accomplishing now in 2008, I am really excited to be in a techno-age of the library! Look how far we have come & reading what will be coming down the pike, I can't wait to see it all. See ya at the library.

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