Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thing # 11
This is the link to my current list of favorite books. As you can see I am partial, but do not totally like all of James Patterson's books. I have a new duo of authors that I love, that I found by accident: Douglas preston & Lincoln Child. I did not list any of their books, but they co-write together about a fictional character Special Agent Pendergast. I just love their style of writing.
I am also reading a new author ( to me) lawrence Goldstone "The Anantomy of Deception"
This is set in the 1880's, medical setting, about 20 years after the Civil War.
As far as cataloging my books on here, I will probably not use it, but I can see it as a useful tool for people who would like to have a list of titles that they have read. I confess that I did not read any of the discussions on my titles, although I would like to go back & see what other people think about these titles. & I would say most of my items were popular.

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